Monday, April 19, 2010

Adam, where are you?

Why does a schoolteacher ask questions of his students? Is it because he himself doesn't know the answer?

Act 1: Teacher who knows.
Teacher: Tommy, what is the capital of the US?
Tommy: Why do you ask, teacher, do you not know?
Teacher: Yes, I know, but do you know?
Tommy: but Teacher, you know everything, so you must know whether I know or not.
Teacher: yes, I do know everything, but I didn't ask the question for my benefit, but for yours.

Act 2: The God who knows.
Adam: Don't you know where I am Lord, aren't you omniscient?
God: Adam, where are you?
Adam: Don't you already know, why bother me with such a foolish question?
God: Adam, where are you?
Adam: why are you distracting me with this stupid question? Don't you know everything?
God: Adam, where are you?
(Adam pauses, self-realization kicks in, and with downcast eyes...)
Adam: I don't know God......can you tell me where I am?
(God smiles)

God asks, not because he doesn't know, but because we don't.


  1. Good question...where am I? Adam was probably too busy chasing Eve.

  2. Truth was, Adam was too busy hiding from God. He already had Eve.

  3. Does God ask this question to people who don't realize they would benefit from His question?

  4. Maybe even the realization is a gift
